Mini Moments of Mirth
In correlation with a post I made in August, regarding Autumn and some ways in which I brought joy upon myself, (you can read this post here: Don’t Fall out with Autumn), I thought I’d make a habit throughout the Autumn and Winter months of displaying some of the small things that make me happy, or things to be thankful for of which often get overlooked in the brisk hustle and bustle of our every day lives. I do hope this post will offer some form of joy to you and enable you to identify examples pertaining to your own share of sprightliness.
A good cup of tea!
Us Yorkshire folk are well known for enjoying a top notch cup of Rosy Lee! It’s also often said that anything can be fixed or made a little better with a cup of this blessed beverage and it certainly seems that way. There’s a reason for the occurrence of being made a cup of tea after a particularly disappointing day in the office, this is because deep down we all know that it’s the absolute perfect way in which to start to unwind. In these winter months it’s especially magical, as you can get all snug, wrapped up and cosy, whilst curled up on the sofa with your favourite cup. Currently I’m in the partially naughty habit of munching my way through an entire bar of chocolate with each brew! Oops.
Sitting outside my house in the night-time hours.
This may seem a little odd to people but I love it. Sitting outside for a little while on an evening for me is a perfect way to help collect my thoughts, I like to look at the stars and reflect on how small we really are in the grand scheme of things. This to others may seem like a rather desolate thought to have, though I find comfort in this because to me it shows that not one of us are the centre of attention or THAT important and therefore should never take ourselves too seriously or have less regard for others, there are far greater things than ourselves tucked away in the hidden mystery of the universe. Bonus points for this situation is for when it’s also raining, I absolutely love the whole sentiment of the rain.
This may seem a little odd to people but I love it. Sitting outside for a little while on an evening for me is a perfect way to help collect my thoughts, I like to look at the stars and reflect on how small we really are in the grand scheme of things. This to others may seem like a rather desolate thought to have, though I find comfort in this because to me it shows that not one of us are the centre of attention or THAT important and therefore should never take ourselves too seriously or have less regard for others, there are far greater things than ourselves tucked away in the hidden mystery of the universe. Bonus points for this situation is for when it’s also raining, I absolutely love the whole sentiment of the rain.
Wearing cute outfits.
Somehow, I sometimes manage to put together an outfit that even I am proud of myself for. This is a real achievement for me, considering I ALWAYS leave these type of things until the last minute, or even when I do plan something beforehand typically it gets to the time to get ready and I will find it either doesn’t fit me any more or I look atrocious, then meaning I have to of course get changed a ridiculous amount of times, complaining throughout at everything I try on. I’m sure we all feel the same way in that if we have a really cute outfit on of which we like, it instantly boosts our mood a little and adds an extra layer of confidence – no matter how thin.
When my jewellery and nails match.
I often always forget to put jewellery on, so when I remember to and I happen to find that said jewellery matches my nails (of which I’ve developed a massive obsession for playing around with recently), it of course puts a smile on my face. Whilst on this topic, I also really appreciate it when my nails are growing and I haven’t managed to ruin them whilst working.
Using a fresh cosmetic item!
This gives me such great pleasure and happened to me only a few days ago with my mascara. I leave changing my mascaras until the very last minute because I can’t see how much product is left inside and I hate the feeling that there might be something left when switching over to a fresh one. It were about time I opened a fresh mascara however and seeing how new it looked compared to the one I were currently using gave me such excitement!
Some of these may seem incredibly trivial but it’s the little things in life that really matter, after all it’s the small things which add up to paint the bigger picture! Do any of the above examples offer you the same form of contentment? What other things trigger exuberance within you? I’d love to hear from you!
With Love,
Disaster Davis x
Disaster Davis x
(Original Post on WordPress)
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