Moments of Mirth
It’s so incredibly important to look for the positives in life no matter how insignificant they may seem, all too often in our busy routines do we fail to notice so many beautiful things harbouring happiness. Too often are we caught up in the mundane and fail to stop and smell the roses, as the saying goes. You may have already read my previous posts “Don’t Fall out with Autumn” and “Mini Moments of Mirth”, today I’m sharing with you my last ‘Moments of Mirth’ post for a while. I’ll no doubt find another way to incorporate the hidden treasures of life into my blog, however. Now, sit back and enjoy the exploration into my mind and the little things which make me smile, I hope they too offer you some form of contentment, no matter how trivial that may be.
Pride in myself and others
The heading you just read may sound surprising and ridiculous, I may also be coming across as vain. It’s so important for everyone to become at peace with themselves though and proud of the things they have achieved. I think everyone who knows me well realises that I aren’t entirely fond of myself, though even I have to be thankful of the changes I have made so far this year and that I’ve been able to stick at them. There were a time when I’d fail to last at something for more than a few days but recently I have seen a new determination and will power within myself and that alone has been truly inspirational for me. Therefore this is in no means vain of me to say so, that I have offered myself happiness this year, due to changing some things I weren’t happy with. Remember, if there is something you don’t like, that isn’t working for you, that you don’t have to simply put up with it. It may seem easier said than done and there may be exceptions to this of course. Generally speaking, though, if you don’t like something and it isn’t serving a meaningful purpose in your life – then change it! I promise you it will be for the better and you will feel such a surge of pride within yourself for taking control. Concurrently making me smile is the pride in other’s, also. I recently found out a friend from an acting class I used to attend had been nominated for an award, I were so excited for her, willing for her to win. When she went on to doing just that I were utterly thrilled, I felt so proud on her behalf and it’s a wonderful feeling when you can feel that way for another person. Learn to gain happiness from the victories of everyone you care for and you’ll be unable to be unhappy for very long.
The heading you just read may sound surprising and ridiculous, I may also be coming across as vain. It’s so important for everyone to become at peace with themselves though and proud of the things they have achieved. I think everyone who knows me well realises that I aren’t entirely fond of myself, though even I have to be thankful of the changes I have made so far this year and that I’ve been able to stick at them. There were a time when I’d fail to last at something for more than a few days but recently I have seen a new determination and will power within myself and that alone has been truly inspirational for me. Therefore this is in no means vain of me to say so, that I have offered myself happiness this year, due to changing some things I weren’t happy with. Remember, if there is something you don’t like, that isn’t working for you, that you don’t have to simply put up with it. It may seem easier said than done and there may be exceptions to this of course. Generally speaking, though, if you don’t like something and it isn’t serving a meaningful purpose in your life – then change it! I promise you it will be for the better and you will feel such a surge of pride within yourself for taking control. Concurrently making me smile is the pride in other’s, also. I recently found out a friend from an acting class I used to attend had been nominated for an award, I were so excited for her, willing for her to win. When she went on to doing just that I were utterly thrilled, I felt so proud on her behalf and it’s a wonderful feeling when you can feel that way for another person. Learn to gain happiness from the victories of everyone you care for and you’ll be unable to be unhappy for very long.
Taking a walk
Being alone and using a walk in order to help gather my thoughts and achieve some form of clarity is an activity I thoroughly enjoy embarking on. Getting out into the world and taking a short walk is something many people feel they don’t have the time to do or they simply forget, yet it’s so important to get some time alone, that either being a pamper session, reading a good book or getting outdoors. We all need a relaxing way in which to escape, an added bonus with walking is that when done in the daylight hours it’s a great way to throw in some vitamin D simultaneously. Evening hours are also amazing as they offer an added sense of peace as everyone is settling down for the night, additionally there’s the beauty of the stars to fascinate you.
Receiving a package via post
Another thing of which I delight in is getting things in the post. It doesn’t matter that I of course already know it’s coming due to being the person who has ordered it, I simply love the sensation of having something to open regardless. I feel as though I get twice the happiness from buying online, as I get excited when ordering the items then again when they’re delivered to me. It’s not always the big things, eh?
Tidiness and organisation
It’s incredible how much you feel your mind clearing out once the physical clutter is removed from your life. The less clutter in the home and workplace, the less mental clutter you will experience. Of course it’s not an instant cure all, but it sure helps.
It’s incredible how much you feel your mind clearing out once the physical clutter is removed from your life. The less clutter in the home and workplace, the less mental clutter you will experience. Of course it’s not an instant cure all, but it sure helps.
Snow and rain
I love these two types of weather. Snow is so pretty, especially when it remains untouched. I love seeing it on the top of houses and fences. To me, it looks purely prepossessing and aren’t an animals paw prints just the cutest too? I also adore the rain. I like watching it rain as I find it helps me to collect my thoughts, I also enjoy the sound it makes bouncing off of my roof, listening to the rain as I’m trying to sleep is sure to help aid the provision of a peaceful slumber.
The fact they die much sooner when picked is unfortunate, but I just love the odd bunch of flowers here and there to brighten up an otherwise dull room. Being the recipient of somebody else gifting you them is also a marvellous feeling. It’s a really nice change. Although a flowering plant is favoured as they don’t die after a few days, unless you’re equipped with the memory of a fish like myself, forgetting to water them.
Learning something new
This doesn’t need to be something huge such as a new language, it doesn’t matter how large or small, so long as you have learned something new in which you can feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction for. For five years I have hidden away from getting to know how the heating works in my house. I may sound insane as it’s something so trivial and ‘normal’. I finally let myself find out more about it this month and now, I am at one with the heating system. Although it’s such a small thing it still managed to please me.
This doesn’t need to be something huge such as a new language, it doesn’t matter how large or small, so long as you have learned something new in which you can feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction for. For five years I have hidden away from getting to know how the heating works in my house. I may sound insane as it’s something so trivial and ‘normal’. I finally let myself find out more about it this month and now, I am at one with the heating system. Although it’s such a small thing it still managed to please me.
This is my way of escaping myself and everything around me by indulging in another world. I could read books full time if that were an option, never doing anything else. I’m entirely ensnared by the literary world. This is my number one way to relax and something of which is exclusively for me, my own time. I could read anything, I’d turn into a book myself if that were possible.
Everybody loves a good bargain, right? I’m not immune to this, it makes it that much better when it’s in the form of a book also, as we all probably know by now how captivated by reading I am. A head’s up if you haven’t seen my recent post “Bonkers for Books”, Asda actually sell a selection of books at the amazing price of £1 or less and there are some incredible works of genius included in this. The titles are switched around of course and I aren’t sure if this is done in every branch or selected stores, or for how long the deal will remain therefore it’s worth looking out for and keeping an eye on!
Everybody loves a good bargain, right? I’m not immune to this, it makes it that much better when it’s in the form of a book also, as we all probably know by now how captivated by reading I am. A head’s up if you haven’t seen my recent post “Bonkers for Books”, Asda actually sell a selection of books at the amazing price of £1 or less and there are some incredible works of genius included in this. The titles are switched around of course and I aren’t sure if this is done in every branch or selected stores, or for how long the deal will remain therefore it’s worth looking out for and keeping an eye on!
Alas the end is here for ‘Motivational Monday’, for the moment anyway and as of now normal service will resume. I do hope that you’ve all enjoyed the past four weeks however, if you have anything you’d like me to talk about another time then please don’t hold back from letting me know, I may feature your idea in a future post or ‘Motivational Monday’ theme.
With Love,
Disaster Davis x
Disaster Davis x
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